08 December 2005

Bamjan: Nepal Buddha boy

Scientist are to investigate the claim of a Buddha boy in Nepal, so far, huge crowds were gathering to see Ram Bahadur Bamjan, who could possibly be the nth reincarnation of the Buddha.

"A meditating teenage boy in south-central Nepal is drawing the attention of scientists after attracting huge crowds in the past six months and earning himself the name Buddha-reincarnate. [...] Ram Bahadur Bamjan's friends, relatives and managers say he has been meditating without drinking water for six months now and that he will carry on for another six years until he gains enlightenment." As a reminder: "Siddartha Gautam, who later attained Mahanirvana and became the Buddha, was born in 560 BC."

I fond the following quite intriguing, or is it just a mere coincidence: The name of Buddha's mother was Maya Devi exactly the same as this young boy's mother.

It is a very interesting read and a fascinating story, by BBC News: Scientists to check Nepal Buddha boy

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