07 December 2005

Echizen kurage

Who would believe you if you told them you came across a 200 kg jellyfish? Well, probably the japanese; they are, for some unknown reasons, seeing more and more of these giants (echizen kurage) in the Sea of Japan. Besides their poisonous tentacles highly hazardous to humans, they also cause an economic plague: some fishermen saw their business plunge by 80%.

"Often the weight of the echizen kurage broke the nets or crushed the fish to death; those that survived were poisoned and beslimed by their tentacles. [...] The problem has become so serious that fishery officials from Japan, China and South Korea are to meet this month for a “jellyfish summit” to discuss strategies for dealing with the invasion."

"In some places jellyfish density is reported to be a hundred times higher than normal. Worst of all, no one yet understands why. One theory is that global warming is heating up the seawater and encouraging jellyfish breeding. " Richard Lloyd Parry

Read the complete story @ the Times: Nomura’s jellyfish

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