08 December 2005

India joins the nuclear fusion club

Scientist have known for long that nuclear fusion would be far more effective than today's nuclear fission, which by the way leaves some nasty and highly radioactive materials in the process, but so far only small pockets of scientists claimed to have actually achieved it: the community is still debating on the veracity of these claims.

Iter will be the second largest science project in history after the International Space Station.


Project estimated to cost 10bn euros and will run for 35 years
It will produce the first sustained fusion reactions
Final stage before full prototype of commercial reactor is built
After decades of experimentation at national and regional level, it should demonstrate once and for all whether it is possible to harness the tremendous potential of nuclear fusion in a practical and economic way.

Link: India joins Iter
More details: Step by step guide

If you missed the previous report about this kind of topic, read it here: [Focus Fusion]

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